Pentax K10D
Sigma 17-70 at 17mm
HDRI composite at f11
ISO 100
A fellow photographer suggested I try capturing a sunset in high dynamic range -- that is, taking five identical shots with differing exposures, and melding them with special software into one photograph that renders visible detail in the lightest and the darkest areas. It may not be terribly realistic, but it sure is pretentiously arty. I kind of like it. Click on the photo to see it in bandwidth-hogging detail.
This is great. There are veys of doing HDR without having to take 5 phtos tho - yo can do it in 3, and, sohck horror, even in 1!!! Most of my HDR's are fake HDR using 1 single shot :) lol
Works tho :)
I can give you instructions if you want them :)
Just let me know
But yes - the sunsets look great in HDR :) Well done :)
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